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Blanca Rodriguez Galindo

Head of Unit Consumer and Marketing Law, DG JUST, European Commission
Blanca Rodriguez is currently Deputy Director-Head of Unit responsible for Consumer and Marketing Law in the Directorate General (DG) for Justice and Consumers (JUST) of the European Commission. Blanca started her professional career in the Directorate General for Competition as an antitrust enforcer and prior to her current job, worked in other departments of the European Commission. She was a member of its Legal Service for 7 years and represented the European Commission in litigation cases before the European Court of Justice. She was also advisor on Competition and Legal matters to President Jacques Santer (1995-1999) and to Commissioner Mario Monti on State Aid matters (2000-2001). Back in DG Competition, Blanca was in charge of International Relations for several years. Among other tasks she advised the authorities of the People's Republic of China in the process of adoption of the Chinese Antimonopoly Law and negotiated bilateral cooperation agreements with countries such as Canada, Korea and Switzerland. Blanca has worked also in the Directorate General for Migration and Home Affaires being in charge of developing cooperation on migration and security issues with in particular Northern Africa and Middle East Countries. Blanca graduated in Law for the University of Barcelona and has a Diploma of Advanced European Studies (Law) by the College of Europe, Bruges. She was Emil Noel Fellow at Harvard Law School Harvard University (2001-2002).